Building Lives, Bringing Hope


Share the love of Christ by giving through this link at

Bless others in need with your gift of love.

Share your love for the Lord with your gift of love.  Bless others in need by giving any amount as the Lord leads you.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will repay him for his deed. (Proverbs 19:17)

Thank you for supporting our ministries and missions!  Your prayers, your support and your encouragement enable us to reach the many who have not heard the Gospel and strengthen the churches.  

Your partnership in this work that the Lord has established for us is of tremendous value in impacting the church and the world for his kingdom. We strive to be the very best stewards before the Lord and before you all for all the funds that come in. Thank you for your trust and support. You are a great blessing to us.

In particular, we’re raising funds for the Kalay Gospel Baptist Bible College, Kalay Education Centre and Children’s Home, Alcoholics Centre, churches in Chin State, Myanmar. We are constructing 5 buildings for the Bible college to train and raise national leaders, and the evangelism of people in towns and villages in Myanmar and Asia who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Your contribution to our ministry will be used to help make this outreach ministry possible. Thanks again, and we trust that our Heavenly Father who sees in secret will reward you now or in eternity!

Ways to Give in Support of Our Ministries:

  1.  One time gift.
  2.  Monthly or yearly gift.
  3.  From your extra income, bonus, payouts, dividends, etc.
  4.  Legacy giving.

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