Building Lives, Bringing Hope

Our Doctrinal Statement

Our Doctrinal Statement:

1. We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired, infallible, and only authoritative Word of God. We believe that God cleanses His people (John 15: 3), heals them (Ps.107: 20), creates new life in them (Isa. 55:10,11), and brings them encouragement and hope through the ministry of His Word.

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that all we are and do flows out of our vision of God. We believe that God is sovereign in salvation (Eph. 1: 3-6), in ministry (Job 42:1; 2 Cor. 3:4-6) and over the lives of His people (Gen. 50: 18-21).

3. We believe in the virgin birth and the death of our Lord Jesus Christ-that He is fully God and fully man-in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death on the cross, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. We believe that the resources of Christ are all of our hope in life, in relationships and in ministry. (Col. 1:27; John 15:5).

4. We believe in the totally lost condition of man by nature and his need of the new birth by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that salvation is the result of God’s sovereign grace and not of man’s free will (John 1:10-11; John 6:44; Eph. 1:3-6). We also believe that in all of life and ministry we are dependent on His working in and through us.

5. We believe in justification by faith apart from the works of the law (Rom.3: 21-23), and that sanctification is also a work of God’s grace as we walk in obedience before Him (Rom. 6:11-23; 8:12-14).

6. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling presence (John 14:15-17) the Christian is enabled to live a godly life and serve the Lord. We believe it is through the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit that God’s people serve and build up one another (1 Cor.12-14; Rom. 12:1-8).

7. We believe in the resurrection of the saved and the lost (1 Cor. 15:12-28; Rev.20: 11-15)—the saved unto eternal life and the lost to eternal judgment.