3.23 billion out of the 7.8 billion people in the world have never heard of the Gospel of Jesus.
Only 2.5 billion people profess to be Christians. The rest have never heard of Christ or have not responded to the Gospel.
There are 7,400 unreached people groups out of 17,400 people groups in the world.
The New Testament is translated in only 2,264 out of the 7,359 languages in the world.
Only 24% of full-time Christian workers labor among the unevangelized. The other 76% serve among Christians.
95% of pastors worldwide have no formal training.
Untold millions are still untold of Jesus’ love and the heavenly mansions awaiting above.
You can do your part by partnering with us to fulfill Christ’s command to preach the Gospel to the world (Matt 28:18-20).
(Source: Joshua Project 2021)